How would you improve Nerdwallet's Homepage? (This relates to a design exercise I worked on in 2017.) Goals & Constraints Before I dive into solutions, let's first understand what Nerdwallet is trying to achieve with their home page today. Highlighted in the image, three things are clear: The primary goal is - as the header says - to help people compare options across different financial products. With that said, Nerdwallet specifically wants to help people figure out better options for credit cards. Just look at the header in the top left highlights credit cards, and... The second box highlighted also shows that Nerdwallet wants to compare credit cards. The third goal seems to be to get users to join or sign into Nerdwallet. Now that we know what the home page is trying to achieve today , let's think about what we would like our redesign to accomplish tomorrow . What is the purpose of the redesign? There are the business objectives: Increas...